Swim Levels

Swimming ( along with Canoeing) is one of the two mandatory activities at TSC. Every camper will partake in daily Swimming and Canoeing lessons while in camp (occasionally with some exceptions for the eldest campers) . These activities are essential skills for Canoe Tripping and will ensure your camper is safe and having fun while on trip!

The Taylor Statten Camps follow the Red Cross levels of swimming for the younger campers and then the Royal Lifesaving Society program for the older campers including Bronze Star, Bronze Medallion and Bronze Cross levels.

If your camper plans on becoming a staff member one day – they will require their Bronze Cross, so in order to avoid taking classes in the city it is in your camper’s best interest to work towards achieving their Bronze Cross at camp as a camper.

Below you will find a timeline/ layout of how to complete these swim levels at camp whilst a camper and also going on long trip!

If you/ your camper would like to participate in the Bronze levels, please take the time to read the following timeline.


  • At any age, Bronze Star is an excellent prep course leading up Bronze Medallion and Bronze Cross. This is something that campers age 13 or 14  and under at TSC should aspire to and it can be accomplished even if you are on a Temagami or Killarney or Barron River trip.
  • If you are a keen and strong swimmer, and you do Bronze Star at age 12 or earlier, you can do Bronze Medallion at age 13! But you need to impress upon the staff that this is what you want and demonstrate ability and interest – and send proof of Bronze Star certification to the camp office in the spring.


  • At age 14, many of our campers are on the Kipawa trip. It is not possible to get your Bronze Medallion if you are on a Kipawa trip. there simply isn’t enough time in camp.
  • However if you are on the Kipawa trip you may be able to do Bronze Star if you are keen. Its at this age that you might consider doing a winter pool-course in the city for Bronze Medallion (see below for more info). This would ensure you are ready for Bronze Cross next summer at camp.


  • At age 15, many of our campers are on Quetico. It is entirely possible to pass Bronze Cross in the 2 week time period when the campers are in camp at the end of the summer.
  • In the event that a camper did not do Bronze Medallion in the prior years, or in the city during the off-season, it is still possible for some campers to do the Medallion and Cross courses effectively simultaneously in this Quetico summer. However, the camper again needs to show initiative, interest and ability in order to take these courses and pass.
  • It is not a foregone conclusion that they will pass, especially if they did not do Bronze Medallion or Bronze Star in prior years and/or are not very strong swimmers. Moreover, whilst the camp tries its best to verify camper’s prior certifications, we rely in part on the campers’ statements at camp of what they have passed prior, so honesty is paramount.


  • At age 16, many campers are on 50 day canoe trip. This summer leaves zero time for much else. So if you did not get your Bronze Cross the prior summer, you will need to do it in the city in the off-season. And if you do not live in Canada, this is not possible and the Ontario Camping Association does not recognize international equivalents unfortunately. If you want to be a staff member, you must have your Bronze Cross. We do not run Bronze Cross courses during pre –camp, only re-certifications. There is simply not enough time to run full courses.

All this to say- there are appropriate but limited times to get your swim certifications at TSC but it’s very achievable and a focus of our in-camp program. It is up to the campers as well as the TSC staff to make sure campers are in the correct level.

A note to campers: listen to your staff and get to your proper lessons on time with a smile!  If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact the office!


Are you unsure if you have completed your Bronze awards?

Check out the “Find a Member” function on the Lifesaving Society Website.

To find out your member ID, simply call their office and provide your name and birth date.




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