The TSC Centennial Party

In the heart of Toronto, on October 14th, at the Toronto Region Board of Trade, the spirit of Camp Ahmek and Camp Wapomeo came alive. We celebrated a remarkable milestone – a century of cherished memories, lasting friendships, and adventures that have shaped generations of TSC campers. The TSC Centennial Party was an unforgettable event, […]

Bisco Canoe Trip in 1967

Camp Ahmek and Camp Wapomeo canoe trips are ingrained in TSC history and are a part of camp life. Each summer we welcome campers new and returning for summers full of excitement, adventure and friendship.  There is one thing I should warn you about before you decide to get serious about canoeing. You must consider the possibility […]

Canoe Lake Memories 1927 – 1931

“Here Let the Northwoods’ Spirit Kindle Fires of Friendship” Over time things on Canoe Lake have changed.  Canoes get a fresh coat of paint, cabins get redone, new activities are added, but there is one thing that always stays the same: The spirit of TSC! The passing down of stories and traditions from one generation […]